Konsten att beta på Pholiota Nameko


Pholiota Nameko In Brine is an edible mushroom popular for its soft texture and unique flavor. Pholiota Nameko In Brine refers to a pickled mushroom product. The following is relevant information about this product:

Our Pholiota Nameko In Brine has a typically tangy, salty flavor from being pickled, as well as the earthy, umami flavor of the mushroom itself.

The marinating process makes the texture of our Pholiota Nameko In Brine even more tender. while maintaining its unique elasticity.

By pickling, the mushrooms can be stored for longer periods of time without refrigeration, as the salt and acidic environment inhibits microbial growth.

Pickled Pholiota Nameko In Brine can also be used as an accompaniment to various dishes to add flavor and texture.

Pholiota Nameko In Brine

Production process:

First, select fresh and high-quality mushrooms, remove impurities and wash them thoroughly.

Cut the cleaned mushrooms into appropriate sizes to better absorb the marinade.

Add the mushrooms to the marinade, making sure they are fully submerged. The container is then sealed and placed in a cool place for fermentation.

Marinating time may vary from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the desired flavor intensity and marinating method.

After marinating, the mushrooms can be transferred to airtight packages and stored in a cool, dark place or refrigerated to extend shelf life.

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